DogNose Data Werkz is the personal site of me, Matthew Worthey. It opened to the public on September 1, 2004. The name comes about some time ago when testing a fax machine. Anyway, the name was actually coined by Keith, so thanks, Keith.
Credit Where Credit's Due
The dog nose you see at the top of the screen was drawn by my lovely friend Claire. She does graphics and other artsy things that I could never accomplish with my novice-level Gimp skills.
Other Graphics and Images
Other than the nose, graphics, backgrounds, and other "worth a thousand words" things were done by me using the Gimp.
Clean and Accessible
This site is written in valid HTML 4.01 Strict. It adhears to Section 508 Accessibility guidelines. What this means is the code is quick and clean, and the site is accessible to those with sight, motor skill, and other disabilities. You, too, can dive into accessibility.
The site also uses the semi-controversial Access keys. They can be accessed using Alt in Windows, or Control on a Mac. They are:
- 1: Home page
- 2: Skip navigation and go to content
- 5: Web Design page
- 6: Computers page
- 7: About page
Why Not XHTML?
If any of you web savvy folks are wondering why I don't code in the more recent iteration of HTML, XHTML, it's because I don't see many benefits of XHTML, and I have read about the flaws of serving XHTML incorrectly.Tools Used
I mostly use Notepad, but recently I discovered Crimson Editor. It's nice, free, and has highlighting for (X)HTML, PHP, CSS, and many other languages.
Blog Software
The blog area of this site is powered by WordPress.
All original content on this site is Copyright 2004-2025 by Matthew Worthey, with all rights reserved.