Shoutouts II

Fail Blog succeeds

I just spend two hours on Fail Blog. I was really tired, but rather than go to bed, I fought to keep my eyes open so I could look at stupid pictures. You have been warned.

The Orange Box

Yes, I know this came out last year. But since I only just recently got my gaming PC running, I am only now able to bask in the Box’s glory. Portal is fantastic. Jen was there when I was playing, and she got a kick out of just listening to the funny, surreal dialog. It’s a real gem. Half Life 2 and its episodes are of course excellent. But the game that’s been sapping my time is Team Fortress 2. With nine character classes, ranging from Pyro to Sniper to Medic, you won’t get tired of this game soon. I’ve had it two weeks and I still play for hours each day.

Kona Grill

This restaurant, located in La Cantera, is delish. I command you to try the avocado egg rolls. They also have pizza, pasta, steaks, and sushi. Expect to wait a while for a table, though.

Trying new things

Jen, after watching me enjoy enchiladas for two years, finally tried some herself, and really liked them. I told you so.

Update: We also tried Indian food on Saturday, and it was a hit. The green goopy stuff was her favorite (it tastes better than it sounds), and the bread, called “nan”, made a perfect combination.

1,401 Responses to “Shoutouts II”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, they were delish! I guess it also depends on where I go to eat them!

    Mmmmmm Kona…lets go soon. Yes?

    You didn’t mention Indian food estravaganza in Trying New Things!


  2. Jen (sexy pants) Says:

    Oops. I forgot to leave my name in my other comment.